Builder Application
Please fill out this form to apply to become a builder. Be sure your e-mail address is complete and correct, so we can contact you about your application. Not everyone can become a builder right away, but we welcome everyone to apply.

Builder Character Name:
E-mail address:
Have you been a builder on Dead of Night before?
If so, what was your builder name?
How would you rate your level of knowledge of building on Dead of Night?

We like Builder applicants to have at least a rough idea for their first area. In the rest of the form, we would like you to show us your ideas.

Rough level range of area:
Rough number of distinct mobiles:
Rough number of distinct items:

In the following text boxes, please describe at least two (preferably three) rooms of an area. These rooms do not have to be linked together. This is to provide us with a sample of your descriptive abilities.

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Check your information carefully, and click below to submit your application.